Nice Reads

  • P. L. Luisi, F. Capra – Vita e Natura, una visione sistemica (2017)
  • F. Capra – Il punto di svolta. Scienza, società e cultura emergente (2013)
  • S. Kauffman – Un mondo oltre la fisica (2020)
  • U. Galimberti – Heidegger e il nuovo inizio. Il pensiero al tramonto dell’Occidente (2020)
  • F. Faggin – Silicio: dall’invenzione del microprocessore alla nuova scienza della consapevolezza (2018)
  • L. Floridi – The Ethics of Information (2013)
  • L. Floridi – The Philosophy of Information (2016)
  • L. Floridi – Philosophy and computing (1996)
  • James Felici – The Complete Manual of Typography: A Guide to Setting Perfect Type, Second Edition (2012)
  • Andrew S. Glassner, Eric Haines, Iliyan Georgiev – Principles of Digital Image Synthesis (1995)
  • H. L. Barber – Story Of The Automobile, Its history and development from 1760 to 1917 (1917)
  • James Rood Doolittle – The romance of the Automobile Industry (1916)
  • Jeremy Birn – Digital Lighting & Rendering (2000)
  • Y. N. Harari – Homo Deus. Breve storia del futuro (2017)
  • R. Zubrin – The Case for Mars: the plan to settle the Red Planet and why we must (2011)
  • A. L. Barabàsi – Link, la scienza delle reti, Einaudi (2004)
  • D. De Kerckhove – Brainframes, mente, cultura, tecnologia, mercato (1993)
  • D. De Kerckhove – Connected intelligence: the arrival of the web society (1997)
  • D. De Kerckhove – The architecture of intelligence (2001)
  • D. R. Hofstadter – Gödel, Escher, Bach, Un’eterna ghirlanda brillante (1984)
  • Douglas. R. Hofstadter – Metamagical Themas
  • U. Galimberti – Psiche e Techne: L’uomo nell’età della tecnica (1999)
  • U. Galimberti – Miti del nostro tempo (2009)
  • D. Norman – La caffettiera del masochista (2011)
  • C. Rovelli – Sette brevi lezioni di fisica (2014)
  • C. Rovelli – L’ordine del tempo (2017)
  • A. Frank – About Time (2011)
  • P. Benanti – Postumano, troppo postumano (2017)
  • P. Benanti – Le machine sapienti. Intelligenze artificiali e decisioni umane (2018)
  • P. Benanti – Oracoli. Tra algoretica e algocrazia (2018)
  • P. Benanti – Eugenetica (2017)
  • P. Benanti – La condizione tecno-umana. Domande di senso nell’era della tecnologia (2016)
  • K. Kelly – Quello che vuole la tecnologia (2011)
  • L. Rosati – Architettura dell’Informazione – Trovabilità dagli oggetti quotidiani al Web;
  • A. Resmini, L. Rosati – Pervasive Information Architecture: designing cross-channel user experiences
  • J. Tidwell, C. Brwer, A. Valencia – Designing Interfaces: patterns for effective interaction design;
  • R. Feynman – Il senso delle cose (1999)
  • R. Feynman – QED. La strana teoria della luce e della materia (1989)
  • B. Russel – On the notion of Cause, proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, 1912-1913;
  • J. Maeda – Le leggi della semplicità (2006)
  • R. Kurzweil – The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology (2005)
  • R. Kurzweil – The Age of Spiritual Machines (1999)
  • V. Somenzi, R. Cordeschi – La Filosofia degli Automi – Origini dell’intelligenza artificiale (1994)
  • P. Zellini – La dittatura del calcolo (2018)
  • V. Mancuso – La via della bellezza (2018)
  • V. Mancuso – Il bisogno di pensare (2017)
  • M. Minsky – The Society Of Mind (1986)
  • M. Minsky, S. Papert – Perceptrons (1969)
  • I. Sutherland – On Technology and Courage (1996)
  • N. Goodman – The Structure of appearance (1977)
  • C. Rovelli – Che cos’è la scienza. La rivoluzione di Anassimandro (2011)
  • B. C. Van Fraassen – An introduction to the philosophy of Time and Space (1970)
  • Jason Gregory – Game Engine Architecture, Second Edition (2015)
  • S. Capra e L. Valle – Adriano Olivetti: L’impresa tra innovazione e bellezza (2009)
  • B. Segre – A. Olivetti. Un umanesimo dei tempi moderni. Impegni, proposte e progetti per un mondo più umano, più civile, più giusto (2015)
  • A. Olivetti – La Città dell’Uomo (2015)
  • B. D’Amore, G. Bagni – Leonardo e la matematica (2019)
  • C. Morozzi, M. Temporelli – Leonardo primo Designer (2019)
  • V. Kandinskij – Il Problema delle Forme (1911)
  • I. Asimov – Io, Robot (1963)
  • A. Rawsthorn – Design as an attitude (2018)
  • Douglas C. Engelbart – Augmenting Human Intellect: a Conceptual Framework (October 1962) –
  • Boehm-Davis, D. A., Marcus, A., Green, P. A., Hada, H., and Wheatley, D. 2003. The next revolution: vehicle user interfaces and the global rider/driver experience. In CHI EA ’03, 708–709.
  • Brandtzæg, P.B., Følstad, A., & Heim, J. (2003). Enjoyment. Lessons from Karasek. In M. A. Blythe, K. Overbeeke, A. F. Monk and P. C. Wright (Eds.), Funology: from usability to enjoyment (pp. 55-65). Dordrecht, the Netherlands: Kluwer.
  • Carroll, J. M. (2004). Beyond fun. interactions, 11(5):38–40.
  • Davis, F., Bagozzi, R., & Warshaw, P. (1989). User acceptance of computer technology: a comparison of two theoretical models. Management science, 982–1003.
  • Dillon, A. (2001) User Acceptance of Information Technology. In W. Karwowski (ed). Encyclopedia of Human Factors and Ergonomics. London: Taylor and Francis.
  • Eckoldt, K., Knobel, M., Hassenzahl, M., Schumann, J. An Experiential Perspective on Advanced Driver Assistance Systems. it – Information Technology, 54(4), (2012), 165-171.
  • Forlizzi, J. and Battarbee, K. (2004). Understanding experience in interactive systems. In DIS ’04: Proceedings of the 5th conference on Designing interactive systems, pages 261–268, New York, NY, USA. ACM.
  • Gambetta, D. (1990). Trust: Making and breaking cooperative relations.
  • Harris, H., Nass, C. 2011. Emotion regulation for frustrating driving contexts. In Proc. CHI 2011, ACM Press (2011), 749-752.
  • Hassenzahl, M., Tracinsky, N. 2006. User experience – a research agenda. Behavior and Information Technology 25(2), 91–97
  • Hassenzahl, M. Experience Design: Technology for All the Right Reasons, Morgan and Claypool Publishers, 2010.
  • Hekkert, P. (2006). Design aesthetics: Principles of pleasure in product design. Psychology Science, 48(2):157–172.
  • Inbar, O., Tracinsky, N. (2011). Make a trip an experience: sharing in-car information with passengers. In Proceedings of the 2011 annual conference extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems (CHI EA ’11). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 1243-1248.
  • Jonsson I.-M., Nass C., Endo J., Reaves B., Harris H., Le Ta J., Chan N., Knapp S., 2004. Don’t blame me I am only the driver: impact of blame attribution on attitudes and attention to driving task. In CHI ’04 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA ’04). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 1219-1222.
  • Knobel, M., Hassenzahl, M., Lamara, M., Sattler, T., Schumann, J., Eckholdt, K., Butz A. (2012). Clique Trip: feeling related in different cars. In Proc.of DIS ’12. ACM, 29-37. • Law, E. L.-C., Roto, V., Hassenzahl, M., Vermeeren, A. P., Kort, J. 2009. Understanding, scoping and defining user experience: a survey approach. In CHI ’09: Proceedings of the 27th international conference on Human factors in computing systems. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 719–728.
  • Lajunen, T. and Parker, D. (2001). Are aggressive people aggressive drivers? A study of the relationship between self-reported general aggressiveness, driver anger and aggressive driving, Accident Analysis & Prevention, Volume 33, Issue 2, 1, p. 243-255.
  • Leshed, G, Velden, T., Rieger, O., Kot, B., Sengers, P. 2008. In-car gps navigation: engagement with and disengagement from the environment. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’08). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 1675-1684.
  • Mäkelä, A. and Fulton Suri, J. (2001). Supporting users’ creativity: Design to induce pleasurable experiences. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Affective Human Proceedings of the International Conference on Affective Human Factors Design, pages 387–394. ASEAN Academic Press.
  • Norman, D. A. 2003. Emotional Design: Why We Love (or Hate) Everyday Things, Basic Books.
  • Meschtscherjakov, A., Wilfinger, D., Scherndl, T., Tscheligi, M. . 2009. Acceptance of future persuasive in-car interfaces towards a more economic driving behaviour. In . In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications.
  • Nass, C., Jonsson, I., Harris, H. Reaves, B., Endo, J. Brave, S., Takayama, L. 2005. Improving automotive safety by pairing driver emotion and car voice emotion. In Procs CHI EA ’05. ACM, NY, USA, 1973-1976.
  • Oppelaar, E., Hennipman, E. and van der Veer, G. 2008. Experience design for dummies. In Proceedings of the 15th European conference on Cognitive ergonomics: the ergonomics of cool interaction (ECCE ’08), Julio Abascal, Inmaculada Fajardo, and Ian Oakley (Eds.). ACM, New York, NY, USA, , Article 27 , 8 pages.
  • Roto, V. (2006). User experience building blocks. In Law, E., Hvannberg, E., and Hassenzahl, M., editors, Proceedings of the The Second COST294-MAUSE International Open Workshop: User Experience-Towards a Unified View, pages 124–128.
  • Roto, V. (2007). User experience from product creation perspective. In Law, E., Vermeeren, A., Hassenzahl, M., and Blythe, M., editors, Proceedings of the COST294- MAUSE affiliated workshop: Towards a UX Manifesto, pages 31–34.
  • Shedroff, N. 2001. Experience Design 1. New Riders Publishing, Thousand Oaks, CA, USA.
    Manfred Tscheligi, User Experience Design for Vehicles presentation – Tutorial @AutomotiveUI 2012 – Christian Doppler Labor Contextual Interfaces, 2012
  • J. Johnson: Designing with the Mind in Mind: Simple Guide to Understanding User Interface Design Guidelines, Elsevier, (2014), ISBN= 978-0-12-407914-4
  • J. J. Garret: The Elements of User Experience: User-Centered Design for the Web and beyond, New Riders Publishing, (2010), ISBN=0735712026
    P. Morville, L. Rosenfeld and J. Arango: Information Architecture: For the Web and Beyond , O’Reilly and Ass., 2015, ISBN=1491911689
  • J. Allen, J. Chudley: Smashing UX Design: Foundations for Designing Online User Experiences, (ebook), Wiley, (2015), ISBN=1118650379