Buon Giornalismo? (Forse) Tutta Questione di Domande

In un’intervista per il Premio d’Informazione mi era stato chiesto “Quanta distanza c’è tra il mondo mediatico e la realtà che vivi?”.

Oggi, dopo la ricca e positiva esperienza maturata a fianco di molte persone competenti nel viaggio del Premio, invece sono io a chiedere: fino a che punto è giusto spingersi, per il giornalista, nella costruzione di realtà fittizie-narrative? Esiste un limite oltre cui un punto di vista possa perdere la sua oggettività e diventare fazioso? E, in ultima analisi, con quali possibilità e probabilità la quantità d’informazione prodotta oggi in merito a qualsiasi accadimento “sensibile” (ad esempio la notizia di un attacco terroristico) può agire da copertura per questioni molto delicate e che non devono essere sollevate troppo esplicitamente dalla stampa?

Ogni realtà mediatica si fa portatrice di una diversa lente attraverso cui si osserva il mondo. Questa lente la definiamo comunemente con il termine “frame”, (trad. cornice): è questa la cornice secondo cui i giornalisti interpretano le notizie e della cui “vera” cornice spesso non si rendono neanche conto poiché concentrati su piccoli dettagli di un evento, magari giudicati più notiziabili e di più forte impatto sul pubblico. Un comportamento, forse,  proposta e definita anche dalla posizione politica di una testata. Nella cronaca giornalistica, c’è da chiedersi se questo frame possa essere manipolato e se questa eventuale manipolazione è volontaria o involontaria. Ma perché disturbarsi tanto?

Perché adattare un’informazione alle esigenze del frame, così da alimentarlo per generare più visite o impressionare maggiormente un’audience, significa  scoraggiare la riflessione del fruitore sull’informazione in favore di un reagire impulsivo ed emotivo fine a sé stesso. Questo amplifica soltanto la natura del contesto in cui questa informazione è inserita (pensiamo, per fare un esempio, all’allarmismo che si crea intorno a fatti inizialmente imputati a cause di terrorismo); si finisce solo per catalizzare tante reazioni (spesso negative), senza puntare a fini più elevati come informare e informare in modo non vizioso. Da giornalisti, si perde lucidità e onestà intellettuale in favore della notiziabilità di un fatto; da lettori, si viene “strattonati”, senza la possibilità di raggiungere soluzioni ad un determinato problema. Di questi effetti collaterali dell’informazione abbiamo anche parlato in un articolo inerente la notiziabilità della cronaca nera, anche presente su questo blog.

Per informare in modo quanto più oggettivo e disinteressato possibile, se da un lato l’importanza di riscuotere attenzione è molto allettante, dall’altro non dovrebbe trarre in inganno il giudizio del giornalista, che dovrebbe cercare di mantenersi quanto più intellettualmente onesto nei confronti della realtà che sta descrivendo.

Proprio in virtù dell’esperienza maturata nel Comitato Organizzatore del Premio d’Informazione Articolo 11, sono giunto alla conclusione che, prima di riflettere sulla qualità dell’informazione, come persone comuni potremmo cercare di riflettere sulla sua quantità. Molti, ad esempio, si chiedono: nell’informarsi è preferibile eccedere o limitarsi? È preferibile conoscere quanti più retroscena possibile o accontentarsi di una narrazione veloce o superficiale? Come lettori e fruitori di un’informazione sempre più presente nella nostra vita quotidiana, giungere a risposte significative diventa possibile se ci poniamo domande. Solo tramite un po’ di sani dubbi che potremmo essere in grado di poter intravedere un modo nuovo di fare e consumare informazione, raggiungendo questo scopo.

Dalle Stragi al Pensiero Giornalistico, passando dal Premio d’Informazione Articolo 11

In seguito alle molte vicende (stragi, allarmi bomba ecc) che si sono susseguite in questi giorni e sono state raccontate in modo piuttosto “confusionario” (per non parlare delle narrazioni confuse dei tuttologi di Facebook), mi ha colpito un trend che ho notato emergere in alcuni servizi televisivi. Alcuni giornalisti hanno terminato i loro servizi con una specie di “sequenza” che diceva più o meno così: “sarà (ciò che c’è da raccontare in questo periodo) una sfida per il giornalista che deve informare senza causare allarmismi, moderando il panico che questa febbrile pioggia mediatica sta scatenando”.

Constatare che i giornalisti parlino apertamente del proprio ruolo e di quello del giornalismo significa che si è arrivati ad un punto di riflessione verso cui ancora – così chiaramente – che io ricordi, non ci si era spinti relativamente al ruolo del giornalismo e della narrazione della realtà, che poi è strettamente legata all’emotività della popolazione di un Paese. Poi che si sottintende, almeno a mio avviso, ad una responsabilità da cui il giornalista non può sottrarsi.

Ai due punti di cui sopra credo il Premio abbia contribuito molto e stia contribuendo tuttora – e nella sua prossima “edizione” sarà ancor più efficace ed incisivo, perché se trend simili costituiranno sempre più spesso l’ordine del giorno. Ho piena fiducia nel valore e nel ruolo che la nostra iniziativa può acquisire con il maturare del tempo! Grazie a tutte e a tutti per essere a bordo!

Effetti Collaterali della Cronaca Nera – International Journalism Festival – IJF2016

Come Premio d’informazione, siamo interessati a capire quali dinamiche economiche e sociali si inneschino al sorgere di fenomeni di cronaca nera in un dato luogo e come queste dinamiche potenzialmente vadano ad incidere sulla vita delle persone. Con l’hashtag #uncuoreinformato, non potevamo non essere incuriositi dal discussion panel della decima edizione del Festival del Giornalismo di Perugia intitolato “Cronaca nera: Effetti collaterali“. L’incontro è stato estremamente interessante, a partire dai partecipanti al dibattito: Lucia Annunziata direttore de L’Huffington Post Italia; Antonio Campo Dall’Orto, direttore generale Rai; Duilio Giammaria, Tg1; Nino Rizzo Nervo, presidente CISSFAGR; Antonio Socci, direttore Scuola di Giornalismo Perugia. Riassumendo, ecco i temi che sono risultati dalla discussione.

La cronaca nera contraddistingue da altri fenomeni mediatici principalmente per la presenza di ingredienti come l’intrigo, il mistero, il dramma, la morbosità, le tante sfaccettature di storie amorose delle persone coinvolte nei casi; ognuno di questi ingredienti, esulando dalla pura e semplice notiziabilità, spesso contribuisce a serializzare la cronaca nera ed i delitti ad essa legati, innescando una morbosità mediatica di cui abbiamo spesso avuto negli anni casi emblematici: il delitto di Perugia (omicidio Meredith Kercher), di Cogne (Annamaria Franzoni), di Avetrana (omicidio Sarah Scazzi) o Brembate (omicidio Yara Gambirasio) ne sono solo alcuni esempi.

La presenza di figure archetipiche che eccedono il semplice intento di presentare dei fatti (pensiamo a descrizioni troppo dettagliate sul come si è svolto un omicidio; o l’esaltazione degli atteggiamenti che hanno condotto a determinate conseguenze) tendono a mercificare la cronaca nera, che da “dovere” del giornalismo si trasforma in strumento con cui la politica può raggiungere fini diversi da quelli di sua competenza. Emerge quindi la responsabilità del ruolo dei giornalisti. Essi sono la figura centrale del fatto di cronaca che, nel modo di presentare i fatti e comunicarli nel tempo, diventa mediatore dello spettatore con la realtà. Essendo la cronaca nera un dovere del giornalismo, al servizio della popolazione, non si ritiene pensabile il “non farla”. Si dovrebbe, invece, riflettere sul modo in cui le notizie debbano o possano essere lette, commentate, raccontate, interpretate e percepite; sarà necessario, cioè, riflettere su quale valore avrà la notizia fornita dalla cronaca nera, su quale valore tale informazione avrà per il pubblico. Se nella carta stampata o nella televisione la competenza e la sensibilità dei giornalisti era fattore essenziale per la creazione della buona informazione, oggi con il web – dove gli stessi potenti strumenti sono equamente disponibili ed accessibili – la competenza di questi importanti mediatori diventa cruciale.

Ci ha fatto piacere constatare che tanto gli ospiti del dibattito quanto i ragazzi della Scuola di Giornalismo Radiotelevisivo di Perugia, autori del reportage presentato durante l’incontro, si sono dimostrati sensibili agli effetti prodotti dalla cronaca nera sulle vite dei cittadini. Con le sue dinamiche narrative, a partire dall’arrivo delle telecamere fino all’individuazione del colpevole, difatti, il processo mediatico non condiziona soltanto la quotidianità degli abitanti di un luogo (muovendo persino l’opinione pubblica – spesso oltreoceano, come è stato nel caso del caso Kercher) ma decreta anche una risposta psicologica così forte sulla vita delle persone da causare forti ripercussioni economiche per le attività commerciali locali.

We are the networks of our pasts: on equilibrium

Everything is related at a deep level. Day by day, 2011 is coming to an end, and I think it’s time to choose a new path to get through, in order to evolve. This is what happened in 2011: I…

  • •.have written a lot  

  • •.released a free eBook in two languages. 

  • •.I have been experimenting a lot (and still am), in order to define what I call “essential”. 

  • •.I’ve been decluttering my digital and physical life.  

  • •.I’ve been able to lose body fat and finally see my abs. 

  • •.I have discovered what it means to seat down every single day and do the work for over a year and a half now, writing wonderful and useful posts for my blog (and myself),  

  • •.I’ve been reading, meditating, training and discovering new things during these amazing 12 months.  

After lots of digitally/physically written pages and posts, it appears obvious to me that there is a bottom line in all of my work: we can live a better life. I love the way I have been living it and the things I have been doing every single wonderful day of this year.

My latest articles covered lots of different topics, themes and important points. Each one is different, but coexists perfectly with other posts and themes. Why? Because, in the end, life is a whole, and every aspect of it needs to be linked to another one, just like in a network. First of all, we are balance and equilibrium. We are the network of our past and how we have been conditioned by it. We ARE what we learned from life.

Productivity and time management would be useless if you don’t apply them to a correct lifestyle, a near-to-perfection diet (that’s why I included intermittent fasting posts in my blog) and saner way of viewing the reality you live in. Even Marketing, Antimarketing and neural activity, Maths and Physics are useless if you don’t apply them to a positive approach for living in freedom.

Deep down, I sense that living, as writing, blogging, thinking and training, is all about creating a network of interests and ideas which fit perfectly without colliding.

This is why, while experimenting with our own lifestyle, in order to create a better existence, we sometimes feel bored. The more we find out about new stuff to put into our mind, the more easily our “state” and “frame” seem to be susceptible to small changes. In part, this is due to self suggestion. Also, this happens because of the mental clutter we should clear before putting new things into our minds.

Let’s remember that:

  • •.we have all the time in the world to make a change  

  • •.We have a lifetime to become the person we want to be  

  • •.We have a lifetime to reflect, enjoy every single moment and wonder at how beautiful, yet complicated, life is. 

  • •.living productively is living in an inner equilibrium  

Why am I here?

I’ve been asking myself why I do what I do. I recently discovered writing; I included it in my life in a wonderful way: to share with you what I learned and what I keep learning and refining every single day. I perfectly know that many people wouldn’t read the stuff I write, unless they are really motivated to do so. And this is exactly what I want in my heart. I also know every single one of us has a different perception of the world in which we live, so I am happy to be only read by wonderful and open minded people. This is a blog some people can read, and very few can understand. But those who understand the messages contained herein will perceive an incredible force growing inside them. They know here they can find something they won’t find anywhere else.

In conclusion, well, I did my best to give you value. What you can find here is incredibly rich content, and only those who are very motivated about it can apply it to their lives.

  • •.I did my best to enrich your life with valuable content.  

  • •.I did my best to put effort and valuable content in what I want to exist into my life and I hope you will be able to do the same.  

In 2012 things are going to evolve. I don’t know what’s going to happen. I don’t want to plan anything. I will just let you know along the ride. For the moment, I just want to wish everybody a wonderful and happy Christmas.

Rethinking music and our relationship with it: part 2

‘ve been talking about the creation of a wiser relationship with the music we love to listen to and the one we’re passively exposed to. This article deepens my personal viewpoint about the topic.

Music is thought

Music is great for lifestyle design, conditioning and character modification. Music, in a given environment, really dictates our behavioral responses, conditioning our character in the long run, creating and strengthening associations between facts and emotions (read ‘reinforcement’). It sometimes creates anchors (NLP term).

Music sends waveforms from a neural network to the other, and the amazing thing about that is… you have to know what you are doing with what genre and what kind of instruments.

Information is everywhere today. We live in a world in which we have incredible amounts of music (read ‘thought forms’). This way, our personality can be shaped in various ways. We can live amazing experiences, by just collecting the right music, listening to it the right way, knowing why we listen to it.

I usually love the idea of listening and downloading free music and free stuff. I also encourage YOU to do so. Download open source and creative commons music! Enjoying free music frees us from the burden of copyrighted material. This new year is a big opportunity to catch: it is an occasion to stop consuming exclusively copyrighted material: there is a free and open world to discover out there, from digital to physical collections and libraries.

Let’s take FreeView documentaries as an exemple (for video) or the audio section of Archive.org (for music)

Free and public domain content gives value to our inner selves. We don’t need cookie-cutter made music, movies, art and news. We need to get real, about what we know about what; and what we want to know and what makes us better. The basic idea is to create a personal collection composed of useful music and thoughts. Start experimenting, also with the music you own and listen to.

Towards a saner idea of Entertainment: Adopt Open Music

So, I’ve been talking about decluttering our digital lives for a long time now. Today I want to talk about the post-deletion process: how can we replace the messy stuff we deleted with organized, good new material? Obviously, this process applies to every kind of things, from music to movies, from ideas to your bedroom’s furniture, from your desk to your digital workspace.

The point is, we are so addicted to our social environment that we get easily used to things, ideas, concepts, services and medias everyone around us relies on. We get so used to hearing concepts everyone has in his own mind, things everybody knows, songs which play again, and again, and again on the radio. We are chronic repetitors. We repeat endlessly, again and again, and again the thought of  others, the ideas of our friends or coworkers, the opinion of a so-called “expert”. It’s ok to repeat if you feel good enough.

But if you want something more out of your life, how can you shape the life you are meant to live?

Obviously, you will only take this step if you have developed a consciousness about the role technology has in your life.

This week, we’re going to talk about music, and how to replace your old material with something better.

To me, it’s a pity that:

  • •.talented musicians have to be leaved in the background while only “gifted” (you will never know why and how!) ones succesfully reach the largest audiences.  

  • •.we usually have to pay for bad, bad music. 

  • •.We only get to know what media suggests us 

Bearing in mind the importance of experimenting and unthetering from digital clutter, I am taking several steps in order to detach, little by little, from corporation / lobbies’ music, in order to enjoy more of what’s commonly referred to as “open  music”. Open music refers to uncopyrighted music, royalty free audio and creative commons music.

When free stuff is available to us, I think we have an opportunity to catch. Not only because somewhere you can find amazing bands playing beautiful music; but also we can develop a taste in music and develop a sane attitude towards “entertaining” and the whole concept of “modern entertainment”. We also save money, time, effort; plus, we create space for what’s really important in life, our hobbies and sports.

The sounds of independent artists reach the depth of my soul; they give shape and colours to the ideas sometimes spark in my mind. And I perfectly understand now that there is something more to listening to low quality commercial stuff (Coldplay, r’n’b, rock ‘n’ roll, Led Zeppelin, Rihanna or Tiziano Ferro, for example).

While listening to commercial music I have the vague impression I am just injecting my brain with something coldly calculated, created for the sake of feeding the mass, with no apparent interest for adding valuable content to the listeners’ lives. This is just my perception, and I may be totally wrong. But, given that I have learned to trust my instinct and my heart, I sense I’m doing something right in adopting open music in my life.

Where can you find open music?  You can start by looking at: Archive.org, Netlabels in Archive.org, FMA (Free Music Archive) Jamendo.it

What about the genres and bands? I will bring this whole material into depth in next week’s article.

In the meanwhile feel free to answer these questions in the comments: I could use them in the next articles! what do you listen to? Why? How can you sleek down your entire music collection to include better qualtity music?

When technology is The Weapon

Tomorrow, Internet may be just an idea, a concept.Sure, many of us have seen it working. Many of us have used it to satisfy a need. We know it has been part of our lives.

But should it disappear, would we be the same?

Would our lives be the same without it?

Would our personality be the same?

Generally speaking, if we take a look at the bigger picture, technology has changed our lives: it created complications. More, more and more.

Mental clutter is worse than physical clutter, because it comes from our inner person. If our bedroom is cluttered (physical clutter), it’s just our bedroom. We can go to another room of our house, right?But when all the clutter is in our own mind (mental clutter), what are we going to do? Are we going to change our mind?

Should technology be obsolete tomorrow, what would you do?

Let’s try to imagine our life without technology, hassles, complication, Internet and cloud computing. In reality, we want Internet to be everywhere. We’re convicted it’s practical (!?). By trying to catch the details of our user experience we miss the real meaning of things. We miss the bigger picture and the real sense of stuff.

  • •.Why is technology part of our lives? 

  • •.Why is Internet part of our culture? 

  • •.How can we start living a more appealing life? 

  • •.How can we detach from this speed culture? 

If we could cut back on our expenses on technology, how many books and saner information could we consume? Should I need a new piece of technology, I will ask myself how many amazing books I could buy with that budget. And will opt for spending my money on something more useful than technology.

On information: ideas for a better consumption

Information is growing the way humanity makes it grow.

  • Limiting our exposure to information allows us to absorb the only information we come in contact with. The less this information is, the better.   

  • The quality of information we are more likely to absorb reflects our values, core beliefs and character. 

  • The less the quantity of information is, the easier is for us to absorb and consume it. 

  • The way we consume information is strictly related to the cultural environment in which our values are forged. 

  • The way we consume information is strictly related to the cultural environment in which our values are forged. 

Cultivate the useful aspects of life: start deepening your knowledge of society: how it works and its hidden layers; please stop evading from it, reading nonsense, total crap and stupid novels and superficial books in general.

  • Subjects you could be interested in checking out could be: Anthropology, Sociology, Social dynamics, social engineering, economics. 

  • Then, read less. But more interesting and valuable stuff. 

  1. The way we consume information is strictly related to the cultural environment in which our values are forged.

    Information can change us; but we can create it. If you’re still wondering about what others think of you, stop giving a fuck.

    Information should ALWAYS remain free, as human right of choice.

    Now, start spreading this list with every person you meet! 

You are a product: who is consuming you?

Things and facts speak volumes of the great amount of useless stuff we are exposed to: colorful bags, gadgets, widgets (on our desktops), hot starlets, Coca Cola, low fat diets and other irrelevant nonsense.

We live in a multilayered world of consumerism. We want to possess what we don’t need and yet we don’t understand what makes us willing to own stuff. To me, living is a voyage towards the simplification of what exceeds and makes things too complicated. In a sense, this is what is commonly referred to as “Deprogramming”. To me, “deprogramming” means recognizing our basic needs and living up to them, without creating a surplus.

By deleting and simplifying the tasks of our life we evolve

We evolve, creating a life built on our deepest core: ideas, personality, aims, ambitions and character. Afterall, this is what I already talked about in posts on self development and lifestyle design, right?

To make things clear, let’s take what’s fashionable for example: To me, a fashion is a constant testing of how willingly (or not) human behavior can adapt and react to the world outside the self.

It is what keeps you in a permanent state of fear, of feeling the need to keep up to date with something.

It also conditions the mass to behave in a certain manner, because it shows how social acceptability can be stretched and changed. A fashion is created to keep you outside of yourself. It’s created to keep you into constant noise. It is not created to make you think: you have to receive the information, without developing a positive or negative idea about it. Fashion is also Facebook, social networks, time wasting online services, crisis, fashion itself, whatever changes with no apparent reason and keeps you in fear and worry. With fashion, you have to be outside your inner self, worrying about the way your diamond necklace fits you or your hairstyle shines and gets commented by other fashion victims.

In nature, we are meant to act, not react to life.

We are a mass of consumers, consumed by the products they consume

This is the bare truth. We are totally wrong if we think that style, class, personality and looks have something to do with what we consume, how much we spend, the way we walk and the way we spend our time. Instead, start thinking about how much the outer world is controlling your life. How many fashions have made you a victim? Look at what you have now. Look at what you ARE. What are you?

  • •.Consume less 

  • •.consume almost nothing (the essential) 

  • •.recycle and reuse what you can, where you want and how you want 

  • •.Get to know things 

  • •.cultivate your knowledge  

  • •.be unique 

  • •.let your actions make you a better “you” and inspire others 

  • •.Be selective about what you put into your mind 

  • •.Delete everything 

  • •.Keep what’s amazing and inspiring to you 

  • •.Start making something remarkable out of your life 

  • •.Be your best self.  

Rethinking music and our relationship with it

Do you think it is possible to rethink our relationship with music?

I’m trying. And Everett Bogue’s post made me think about it, again

We will always have something to listen to. If we can play an instrument, we can also produce it on our own? We can create music on our own. We can stop paying for music, listening to free and open source tunes. If we should pay for music, why paying for something everybody keeps in his own music collection? I would prefer paying for a CD nobody knows and maybe contains the most beautiful music I’ve ever listened to, than to pay for something everybody knows and owns.

I have some ideas I would suggest you to implement:

Be selective about your music collection

Less need for maintenance. also, copyrighted material can become a real burden for everyone. Lots of CDs can fill lots of space.

we are meant to consume less music, less things.

We can live our life without leaving such a great footprint on our planet. we can enjoy more of what we have, while paying nothing more than what we really have to.

Sell (or delete) all the music you have, except for what you really love. After all, famous tunes can be played everywhere, at every time.

create music on your own and play with other people

That’s the best music you can listen to and can make. It is a music of life.

It is the music you make with yourself and with other selves. It is a genuine music. Also, remember to listen to and play:

  • •.what awakens you inside 

  • •.what makes you think twice 

  • •.what makes you shiver 

  • •.what makes you a better person 

  • •.what makes you a better self 

  • •.what makes you understand reality 

  • •.what gives you answers 

  • •.what gives you the keys to control your life 

  • •.delete commercial tunes 

  • •.listen to what makes you creative 

  • •.listen to what makes you wiser 

Trash whatever is meaningless to your existence. Your ex’s CDs? Let ‘em go. Old crap you have never listened to again? Let everything go. Instead:

  • •.Listen to music which reflects your present self 

  • •.Your present self has a favorite music he likes to listen to  

  • •.Make sure you change your music to develop a better taste in it  

  • •.Make sure you enjoy more of what you already have  

  • •.use free services (archive.org, soma.fm and grooveshark.com); Jamendo or different open source platforms which distribute free and uncopyrighted music. 

  • •.enjoy more, by spending less!  

  • •.check for free music events and alternatives!  

  • •.if you like something, pay for it (if you really have to), but otherwise try to live with free music.  

  • •.Tell the difference between what’s necessary in your cd or digital collection and what’s just a brief interest. 

Growing a consciousness will enable you to go deeper and deeper into existence.

Start decluttering and downsizing your entire disc collection, selling or donating what you don’t really need / listen to.

I started decluttering today.

What about you?