21 Things I Accomplished at 21

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 Every now and then, I casually read amazing articles. Through the inspiration they give me, they enable me to reflect, put ideas together and usually give me lots of different viewpoints I can develop in a further discussion on this blog.

 Affectionate readers of my blog will already know that what I write about is what I’ve been working on, studying and thinking about during the last days. This week, my aim is to create a collection of the most useful, inspiring and amazing posts I’ve come across recently, hoping you will spread these links and contents between your contacts, co-workers, colleagues, friends, etc…

This list of links allows me to retrace my most remarkable personal development achievements since my journey started last summer.

  1. I am not my stuff. I freed myself from television. 

  2. I gave away lots of my clothes (I lost over 12 kilograms during the last 4 months) 

  3. I learned to tame my inbox 

  4. I discovered my abs with the help of Intermittent fasting 

  5. I can get more out of my time  

  6. I learned to go with the flow. 

  7. I took up reading valuable stuff. 

  8. I created a reality that perfectly fits myself. 

  9. I discovered Tyler Durden is my ideal minimalist self.  

  10. I interviewed important bloggers. 

  11. I decluttered my digital life a lot. 

  12. I took on new activities. 

  13. I started living on my own terms.  

  14. I put some value in myself and in the people around me. 

  15. I wrote over 50 posts in my personal blog, in English language to allow everyone to read them. 

  16. I have been guestposting for Liz Strauss of Successful-blog.com and Arun Basil Lal of Millionclues 

  17. I wrote 2 series of articles about lifestyle construction and development. 

  18. I decided not to join Facebook (and I still am alive). 

  19. I decided to join Twitter, to stay in touch with other great givers of value. 

  20.  I have become a giver of value. 

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