How Intermittent Fasting works and why you should start it now

Being selective about the information we consume can point us towards a healthier lifestyle. This is post is the first part of a little series of 2 articles devoted to the whole concept of Intermittent Fasting and how to put it into practice.

I wrote an article about IF some time ago. But I feel I have to clarify something, because people is scared by the idea of IF.

Intermittent Fasting is not a real diet as you may think. It is the most effective method for weight loss and healthy living I’ve ever tried. After 7 months, it is still working for me. I have never had this kind of results with any other dieting method I tried, over my lifetime.

You know, nowadays it’s really easy to talk in public about one’s diet, nutrition or lifestyle. What keeps me interested in writing this sort of report, though, is the necessity to let people know what they miss when they consider following “the traditional way of dieting and eating”, refusing the Intermittent Fasting in their life. Intermittent fasting is a lifestyle; it is not a diet that you implement for 2 weeks in your life, and then return to your old bad habits. If you’re not motivated to see results and strong enough to believe your gut, then don’t go for it. But I can assure you that if you are going to try it out, you will be amazed.

Society has got us so scattered that when we see someone in a perfectly built body, we automatically assume that this person is either a bodybuilding freak or a fitness expert, and that we will never be like that. There is so much incapability to look from an objective point of view. We’re stupid because we expect to have abs while living in idleness; we expect to lose weight by just using a magic pill while waiting for results that will never come.

Move more and eat Less

Intermittent fasting is the most incredible nutritional “advice” I’ve ever tried in my life. Truth is, IF is not advice; it is common sense. It is saner living; it is removing what’s surplus, keeping the bare essential. I have lost lots of weight with it, and I have never ever, ever, ever taken that weight back again.

I started my journey with IF on January 8 th 2011. I had 72kgs. I couldn’t see my abs. In 30 days, with IF, I reached 67kgs. Since then, my bodyweight has been between 66kgs and 62kgs. In this period I stopped training, completely.

Every once in a while I played football, but for the rest of time, I did nothing except moving, getting things done and studying a lot. I ate lots of stuff, both raw or junk food.

Now, I feel great, I feel satiated and I feel free to do different things than simply “think about eating” or “eating”. I admit it: this post is a BIG THANKS to Matt Madeiro. He is the blogger who let me know John Nguyen, whose site is The Lean Saloon (it’s really cool!). John has been living with Intermittent Fasting for about 2 years now. He is a great example of naturally lean man. Be sure to check his website out!

Practical HOMEWORK for this week

Visit Threenewleaves and The Lean Saloon, and read something valuable in there!

Prepare to read the next part of this interesting article series about Intermittent Fasting on next Monday, where I will include all the details, dos and donts of IF.