Lifestyle Development: Part 2 – Spread Love

By reading or taking the steps I included in the first part of this lifestyle development guide, you’ll be surely aware of the importance of taking action, both mentally and physically. The first part of this guide  focused a lot in the physical aspect of change, as changing through action was presented as the best way to interact with your inner self.

This part will start covering the mental aspect of both physical and mental action, that leads you to change. I am aware of the importance of this information and I am absolutely aware of the fact that I should offer this stuff to only the best users out there (maybe for a fee?). That is, making someone pay for this. But no, I just want to give everyone the opportunity to change their life for free; free information: this is how information should spread all over the world.

If you don’t get the point of what’s written in the lifestyle development guide it’s OK.
It means you’re not ready to take that deep change in your life (i.e. you’re scared of changing, don’t want to change because of the radical difference this will make in your life, etc. )

Let’s get down to business, guys!

There is lots of information out there about inner development and lifestyle development. But the truth is… they’re just trends, nothing special. A trend is made by a temporary interest in something. I’ve been discovering every sort of information about developing, building, evolving the skills you have at living your life and what I’ve come to is pretty interesting.

How to REALLY tell TOTAL BS from OUTSTANDING content!

Here, I want to put something I would have loved to hear some time ago. This is how to tell when something you read is a total BS:

1) They make you pay for realizing your dreams
2) They offer you the magic pill
3) They ADD another thing, subject or detail to worry about in your life

If you pay attention to the third rule for a second, you may realize that a good 80% – 90% of the content you find on the net is TOTALLY useless for everyone.

I personally had to find the GOOD information by deleting lots of stuff, checking tons of material, pages of books in both paper than digital version. I noticed that is really easy to rehearse the same content over and over, just giving a catchy title, bloating and article with lots of meaningless words. Most of those self made gurus work like this. They start from nowhere, they end up in nowhere. Because they talk about nothing, and… their talk is going nowhere. If this is something you’re accustomed with, just be sure not to rely so much upon this people and content.

I want to reveal you the best tip I’ve discovered over the years, so to gear you towards reaching the excellence in yourself. No strings attached, no BS of any kind, just the bare truth (because it is the only stuff that worked for me)

Thats is: Spread love.

This is what successful people do; Self made billionaires, celebrities and great people have all this mindset. In the next part of this guide I want to show how to build up the Spread Love Mindset.

this is a great mental attitude that will lead you towards the best you can find, both in yourself and in others.

Spread love, no matter what;
Love yourself for what you are;
love yourself for the great stuff you can do with the people around you.
Love the way something is, or let events amaze you. Let the details lighten up your whole, let people amaze you.

What you expect from reality, is what you get in reality. Remember this.
We’ve been taught not to trust people. What I say is, you should never trust people (it isn’t good to trust everyone you meet for the first time, OK) but you can always spread love. It’s easy to do. And it makes a difference. In every case, in every situation.

If you feel like to doing something good for someone, don’t let prejudice stop you from acting; don’t let a past experience stop you in advance.

Persevere, trust yourself and what you have, what you are and what you value.
Give peace to yourself for what you did once, because past is never coming again.
Let the day you’re living inspire you, from the bottom to the top.
Look at the details in life; let the surface melt for you to see what’s in depth.

Consider asking, talking with the people you want to be compared with. None knows everything about life; everyone of us knows it all in a different form and shape. Don’t let relativity stop you from reaching your goals.

Let relativity be the fuel of your life.
Let life be the fuel of your best self.
Let people around you be the fuel for reaching the life you deserve.
Let the details be the fuel that power your reality
Let the dynamics you perceive be the fuel for your interaction
Let the day you’re living now be the fuel for reaching your new self