La Lingua del Cambiamento

Ti hanno mai detto di essere immerso nella comunicazione?

L’atto di comunicare fa parte di noi, della nostra persona e dello sviluppo della nostra identità. La nostra stessa vita è il risultato di molte comunicazioni passate e presenti: comunicazioni che abbiamo fatto, assimilato perché fatte da altri o che hanno comunque aggiunto “files” di informazione nel nostro database mentale.

Attraverso l’uso del linguaggio credo sia possibile capire come attitudini e pensieri ci hanno reso ciò che siamo oggi, qui e ora. Ed è proprio per questo che voglio invitarti oggi ad annotare (o fare caso a) quali termini usi nella tua quotidianità.

Dopotutto, siamo esseri in continuo cambiamento. Certo, ci hanno insegnato a valutare la nostra vita in base al tempo; ma in realtà non siamo naturalmente inclini a vivere in termini di “anni” o “giorni”. Vedo la vita più come un continuum, un flusso di eventi, e non una linea retta scandita da anni, mesi e giorni.

Come parli A TE stesso?

Le parole che usi potrebbero oggi forgiare la persona che sarai domani.

Per questo fai caso a termini che usi.

  • •.Sono termini con accezioni negative?  

  • •.Sono parole che comunicano sensazioni positive?   

  • •.Ci sono molti avverbi?   

  • •.Ci sono molti sostantivi?  

Parli per potenziarti o per limitare la tua produttività quotidiana? Ad esempio, c’è grande differenza tra “non ne posso più di…” e “wow, mi sento libero!”. Se ti esprimi in modo differente verso te stesso, c’è inevitabilmente un cambiamento nel modo in cu percepisci la realtà.

Tu, come percepisci la tua realtà?

  • •.La maggioranza delle persone vedono la vita come tutta ben scandita, ordinata ma sempre piena di difficoltà e affanni. Terminato un problema ne viene subito fuori un altro. La vita, per queste persone è una soap opera: il “drama” non deve mai finire e le emozioni devono essere sempre alimentate attraverso fatti più o meno esasperati. In realtà, la vita, queste persone vogliono vederla in questo modo e, se le cose fossero diverse, probabilmente tali persone si sentirebbero sopraffatte dall’indeterminatezza delle loro esistenze. Insomma, si rifugiano nel dolore e nella dualità (che porta a differenze, discriminazioni, ecc), uniche certezze nella loro esistenza.  

  • •.Ci sono poi altre persone (pochissime): le persone che sanno farsi strada con maggior resistenza nella vita immaginano la loro realtà come un grande insieme di opportunità, fatti ed eventi importanti e appaganti. Occasioni per rendersi migliori e trasformare il mondo in qualcosa di più vivibile. La loro visione è perfettibile, come lo è l’essere umano.  

 E TU a quale gruppo appartieni?
Gli esercizi che ti ho proposto possono aiutarti a maturare una consapevolezza nel tuo stesso rapporto con l’esistenza. Sono esercizi importanti. Per questo, se vorrai condividere con me i tuoi dubbi e risultati non esitare a contattarmi.

The Mental Weight of Digital Data

Data weighs on our mind.

Our thoughts’ processes are on the same dimension as the virtual reality we see: our mind doesn’t know what time or space is. So we write, we create, we share in an endless vortex of creativity, until there’s not so much space left for what’s useful.

Usually, we perceive the weight of our digital life in terms of identity: if we share a video today, that video will remain on the net forever. And, while looking for new methods of self-expression (take Facebook as an example), this video you uploaded will be there for years to come. But…

  • •.What if you don’t like its content anymore?  

  • •.What if it does not represent you anymore?  

  • •.If you’re a different person now, what can you do to keep your digital identity updated with your physical one?  

Our today’s interests may differ from our tomorrow’s interests. What we’ve created will weigh on us, and we’ll feel anchored to a past we are not living anymore. If this weight blocks us from developing our own life, then we must gradually detach from what we’ve done / created in the past.

Detaching from the past is not easy.

When trying to detach, you feel uncertainty, without knowing what’s going to happen: you feel lost, you don’t know what to do. So, the automatic (easiest) reaction is to find yourself in your past, by refuging in it.

  • •.What if you consider living to enjoy the present moment?  

  • •.What if your digital footprint can be edited in every moment?  

Through editing and deletion you reduce data’s digital weight on your mind.

These two processes coexist:

When you edit your digital life, you remove some weight from your mind.
If you delete digital data, you edit your life, allowing yourself to grow.

By editing, you inevitably reduce clutter (both in your mind and in your physical life)

example: I am editing the contents of my blog, so to keep articles easy to read and dense of valuable information.

If you delete, you create space for what’s important, by removing an excess. You also create space for inspiration, wellbeing and creativity.

This mental space is also important for your personality to develop and grow. It is important to have your mind free from worries, so to fill it up with creative, enriching thoughts and inspiration to live your life better.

So, start editing your work today, by removing the excess.
Delete ruthlessly what is outdated.
Delete what does not represent you anymore.
Delete ruthlessly what you are not today.

Update your content to update your life in a new present.

Thoughts on inner and outer change

There is a time in which all we have to do is living in mindfulness, enjoying that sense of deep calmness we are surrounded by.

When making time for what’s important, we live one of the most amazing experiences our lives can offer: the power of now, living becomes condensed in what’s valuable for us. We just freeze our lives, instant by instant, step by step.

We dilute emotions in a never ending continuum of present experiences. Expression is dilated to fit every single detail with value, positivity and simplicity.

After having worked and evolved for so long now, it feels good to just stop and look back at what we’ve done, the way we’ve gone and the path we have designed behind our backs. The moment is here and now, and you’re living it. We are already there, ready to take our next step to reach what we’re looking for.

Time has come for us to realize our present condition and enjoy it: we can apply this to our computer, to our own desktop environment. We can also apply this to our physical condition. Life can be meaningful even out of little digital stuff. Entertainment can be delightful as well;

The same passion we put into shooting a photograph, we can transfer it to computing in productivity and decluttering our whole life. We can put that same passion in meditating and chilling out. We can translate this energy to written words. We can apply that to healthy eating and intermittent fasting.

Change is easier when you stop stressing about it. Productivity is also easy to reach. If you want, you can already be productive. You can already manage your time a better way. The same goes for your email inbox.

 Experimenting enables us to detach from things we don’t need. We are just left with what’s real, tangible and applicable to our lives. What’s gone will maybe return, or will be completely lost forever. The choice is up to everyone of us.

Let’s start modeling a new life-path for this new week!

On Information Management in 2012

Experimenting and growing one’s inner character means getting rid of boundaries, limits and goals. Living without goals means waking up in the morning with no fixed plans. You basically do whatever you want, whenever you want, however you want.

(Actually I’m not so free, but I’m getting closer to the whole thing). And while everything’s every day more enjoyable, I am happy to see that lots of people is living up to standards similar to mines.

Here, I want to give you an idea of what feels to live without planning. It’s sunday evening and I am thinking about the new post I want to publish on my blog. This is what I do: I enjoy reading amazing information by those bloggers and sites I enjoy following and they immediately suggest an idea I could develop in my new article. Otherwise, when I have nothing to read, I just let my mind do the talk, and the thoughts flow freely without interruptions

Now, today we talk about information management and how to do it correctly. And this time I was inspired by EvBogue. Everett Bogue is an amazing blogger. In one of his last posts, he has asked these questions to every subscriber and I feel like answering the whole list.

It’s important to manage the right information, the right way (Check the download section for my eBook “Life” about it)

This is what I personally want to share with you. Maybe it will make you think; maybe you will just find another ‘method’ to act on the big digital data input we receive each day.

.What information will need to exist next year?

I only want to see useful information. No copy/paste stuff. Just stuff we create and great content to make the most out of our lives.

This means: less time spent looking for information. Highly valuable content could also be free. What we have to pay is the effort someone made to make the information available to us.

.What form will it need to exist in?

 The most incredible information I have ever read is on paper. What is tangible will remain between us. What is tangible belongs to us. We can touch it, smell it, enjoy it in simplicity.

.How long will we need it?

For how much we need it to grow mentally and spiritually.

.How will we pay for it?

I would be happy to pay goods with other goods. I would love to get rid of money. At least, it is right to negotiate information. If you know something I’m interested about, I will share with you something you are interested about and I am experienced in. I would share value with value. If something is low value for us, but is highly valuable for someone else, it is good to share it.

An idea on money:

It is also morally right to pay money for people’s time, instead that for the content. You can study something on your own, but maybe you will not be able to guess correctly: that’s why you need an expert to guide you in the path. The more you price yourself, the more what you have to say is valuable and life-changing.
Obviously, be honest with yourself and with others: if your product sucks, there is no way in which you can make it more appealing in the long term.

On information: ideas for a better consumption

Information is growing the way humanity makes it grow.

  • Limiting our exposure to information allows us to absorb the only information we come in contact with. The less this information is, the better.   

  • The quality of information we are more likely to absorb reflects our values, core beliefs and character. 

  • The less the quantity of information is, the easier is for us to absorb and consume it. 

  • The way we consume information is strictly related to the cultural environment in which our values are forged. 

  • The way we consume information is strictly related to the cultural environment in which our values are forged. 

Cultivate the useful aspects of life: start deepening your knowledge of society: how it works and its hidden layers; please stop evading from it, reading nonsense, total crap and stupid novels and superficial books in general.

  • Subjects you could be interested in checking out could be: Anthropology, Sociology, Social dynamics, social engineering, economics. 

  • Then, read less. But more interesting and valuable stuff. 

  1. The way we consume information is strictly related to the cultural environment in which our values are forged.

    Information can change us; but we can create it. If you’re still wondering about what others think of you, stop giving a fuck.

    Information should ALWAYS remain free, as human right of choice.

    Now, start spreading this list with every person you meet!