What’s coming next ?

I wonder why social networks seem to cyclically get popular at the end of the year. Tweets (are you following me yet?) and messages of every sort are flowing through my screen with no interruption at all. And given that everyone is planning the next year left and right, I think this is a nice occasion to let you know what’s going to happen in the next months here at my personal blog. We’ll deepen the aspects of the inner game of  productivity (and success) in life, with a kind of reward for technology, lifestyle and identity

Because I think that no method of doing something is absolutely effective, except your own. None has that exact answer that can work in every case. And that’s why we’ll talk a lot on the power of direct experience. Because, let’s face it, your potential resides in yourself, in what you are. That’s why it is you, who must be in control of what you want out of life. And the results you get out of life are the result of some variables you should be aware of: your top priorities, core values, motivation, thoughts (dreaming big, for example) and feelings. That’s to say: you inner game. No weapon is as effective as your own mind: even the way you perceive the world is constantly depending on your brain.

The importance of the user

Everyone of us has a set of skills he/she is good at. You also developed a consciousness of your inner self. You will be most likely to do things that you are accustomed with, while you will be constantly avoiding something that scares you or bores you. It all makes sense, right? In an article I recently wrote: “If the workspace or computer configuration are important, the user’s mind is even more important”, so I think it is time to start shifting our attention from the machine to the user and, in order to do this, I think it is a good idea to focus on psychological and inner mechanisms which dictate the interaction between someone and his/her own PC (or life).

What I wrote and I will write here comes from my personal first-hand experience.

Tips and ideas you can find everywhere (something is coming from the net too) are condensed with my own personal experience. Without using a too-technical language, I will be showing you my personal setups, configurations and tips, and the (minimalist?) way I use technology. My wish is to share the simplification process of my computing and my digital life, in order to help you do the same.